
09h00 - 09h40

Maxi Room

The great disruption

The world is changing. Values are shifting. What employees want at work is changing. And managers? And companies?
How do they cope with these changes? And why should they do it?
Because a company is not an isolated atom in society but a microcosm in the socio-economic universe that surrounds it, it must understand the great transformations within its world to have the ability to provide the right responses to the expectations of its employees and customers. It must be equipped with effective reading grids to be able to read this information and to present it in the best way for its team to perform to the highest level possible.
We must then consider disrupting our conceptual certainties. Because misnaming things adds to the world’s misfortune, we must find new words that can really describe the world that is opening up to us. It is through this conceptual revision that we can better read and understand more precisely what has already been done today.


09h00 - 09h40

Maxi Room

The world is changing. Values are shifting. What employees want at work is changing. And managers? And companies?
How do they cope with these changes? And why should they do it?
Because a company is not an isolated atom in society but a microcosm in the socio-economic universe that surrounds it, it must understand the great transformations within its world to have the ability to provide the right responses to the expectations of its employees and customers. It must be equipped with effective reading grids to be able to read this information and to present it in the best way for its team to perform to the highest level possible.
We must then consider disrupting our conceptual certainties. Because misnaming things adds to the world’s misfortune, we must find new words that can really describe the world that is opening up to us. It is through this conceptual revision that we can better read and understand more precisely what has already been done today.