
14h30 - 15h30

Maxi Room

Quantum is fantastic

The next big technological trend that is following artificial intelligence is quantum computing. Following a tradition that started in 2014 at Web2day, Fanny Bouton and Olivier Ezratty will explain and simplify this new complex and exciting subject from the perspectives of science, technology, applications and business innovation. Their challenge: To make the incomprehensible comprehensible in a light-hearted way! Is following Moore’s Law the right way? What are we actually going to do with quantum computers and when? Is science fiction going to join up with reality? Who are the key players in this market and is France well placed in this sector?


14h30 - 15h30

Maxi Room

The next big technological trend that is following artificial intelligence is quantum computing. Following a tradition that started in 2014 at Web2day, Fanny Bouton and Olivier Ezratty will explain and simplify this new complex and exciting subject from the perspectives of science, technology, applications and business innovation. Their challenge: To make the incomprehensible comprehensible in a light-hearted way! Is following Moore’s Law the right way? What are we actually going to do with quantum computers and when? Is science fiction going to join up with reality? Who are the key players in this market and is France well placed in this sector?