Mercredi10h50 - 12h00
Mediacampus, Forum
Actions sociétales via les Facebook Groups , comment se réinventent les...
Christian DELACHET
co-founder / CEO @Wanted Community
Avocat en mobilité internationale durant 6 ans chez E&Y Paris pour tout lâcher et devenir l’un des 3 co-fondateurs de Wanted Community, la 1ère Communauté d’Entraide et de Coopération sociale sur Facebook en France et l’une des plus importantes d’Europe avec plus de 800 000 membres (1 million d’ici fin 2018).
I’ll let Google help you out here but basically a lawyer in international mobility for 6 years at E & Y Paris before dropping everything to become one of the three co-founders of Wanted Community, the first Caring and Social Cooperation communities on Facebook in France and one of the largest in Europe with more than 800,000 members (1 million by the end of 2018).
co-founder / CEO @Wanted Community
Avocat en mobilité internationale durant 6 ans chez E&Y Paris pour tout lâcher et devenir l’un des 3 co-fondateurs de Wanted Community, la 1ère Communauté d’Entraide et de Coopération sociale sur Facebook en France et l’une des plus importantes d’Europe avec plus de 800 000 membres (1 million d’ici fin 2018).
I’ll let Google help you out here but basically a lawyer in international mobility for 6 years at E & Y Paris before dropping everything to become one of the three co-founders of Wanted Community, the first Caring and Social Cooperation communities on Facebook in France and one of the largest in Europe with more than 800,000 members (1 million by the end of 2018).