Mathieu DAVY
Entrepreneur dans l’âme, Mathieu voulait bâtir un cabinet consacré à la protection de l’entreprise, y compris son actif incorporel, sa marque, ses créations, sa notoriété, ses assets. En tant qu’ancien rugbyman, il sait faire gagner son équipe, faire le dos rond, défendre, mais aussi aller de l’avant et frapper fort.
Entrepreneur at heart, Mathieu wanted to build a firm dedicated to the protection of the company, including its intangible asset, its brand, its creations, its notoriety, its assets. As a former rugby player, he knows how to win as a team, make the round back, defend, but also how to strike to advance.
Entrepreneur dans l’âme, Mathieu voulait bâtir un cabinet consacré à la protection de l’entreprise, y compris son actif incorporel, sa marque, ses créations, sa notoriété, ses assets. En tant qu’ancien rugbyman, il sait faire gagner son équipe, faire le dos rond, défendre, mais aussi aller de l’avant et frapper fort.
Entrepreneur at heart, Mathieu wanted to build a firm dedicated to the protection of the company, including its intangible asset, its brand, its creations, its notoriety, its assets. As a former rugby player, he knows how to win as a team, make the round back, defend, but also how to strike to advance.