Vendredi11h30 - 11h50


Start-ups et culture-design

Olivier RAMEL


À 25 ans, Olivier est avant tout un entrepreneur dans l’âme. Et ça commence dès la classe de terminale à Saint Cloud. Il crée des sweats aux couleurs de son lycée et en vend 400. Premier succès. C’est le début d’une longue série de projets : une boisson relaxante (Cosy), puis un snack healthy lancé avec un copain de promo (La Recolte), puis un concept food innovant grâce à un contenant breveté permettant de boire et manger d’une seule main (MOOTI savoir-faire)… Il développe même un concept de fête tôt le matin (sans alcool biensur ;-)) : Wakatepe. Tous ces projets ont un point commun : le plaisir. Olivier entreprend parce que ça lui plait avant tout.

At 25, Olivier is first and foremost an entrepreneur with a soul. And that began in his final year at Lycée in Saint Cloud. He designed colourful sweatshirts for his lycée and sold 400 of them. His first success. This was the beginning of a long series of projects including a relaxing drink (Cosy), then a healthy snack launched with a promo buddy (La Recolte), then an innovative food concept with a patented container for drinking and eating with one hand (MOOTI know-how) … He even developed a concept for early morning parties (without alcohol of course ;-)): Wakatepe. All these projects have a common theme: Having fun. Olivier set off as an entrepreneur because this is what he loves to do.


À 25 ans, Olivier est avant tout un entrepreneur dans l’âme. Et ça commence dès la classe de terminale à Saint Cloud. Il crée des sweats aux couleurs de son lycée et en vend 400. Premier succès. C’est le début d’une longue série de projets : une boisson relaxante (Cosy), puis un snack healthy lancé avec un copain de promo (La Recolte), puis un concept food innovant grâce à un contenant breveté permettant de boire et manger d’une seule main (MOOTI savoir-faire)… Il développe même un concept de fête tôt le matin (sans alcool biensur ;-)) : Wakatepe. Tous ces projets ont un point commun : le plaisir. Olivier entreprend parce que ça lui plait avant tout.

At 25, Olivier is first and foremost an entrepreneur with a soul. And that began in his final year at Lycée in Saint Cloud. He designed colourful sweatshirts for his lycée and sold 400 of them. His first success. This was the beginning of a long series of projects including a relaxing drink (Cosy), then a healthy snack launched with a promo buddy (La Recolte), then an innovative food concept with a patented container for drinking and eating with one hand (MOOTI know-how) … He even developed a concept for early morning parties (without alcohol of course ;-)): Wakatepe. All these projects have a common theme: Having fun. Olivier set off as an entrepreneur because this is what he loves to do.