City councillor / Deputy mayor @ Quebec city

Passionné par tout ce qui contribue à faire rayonner la ville de Québec, j’ ai œuvré pendant près de 15 ans dans le domaine événementiel. Entre 2014 et 2017, j’ai été directeur général et créateur de contextes pour Québec Numérique, moment durant lequel nous avons établis des échanges porteurs avec Nantes, Angers, Bordeaux, Rennes, Toulouse pour les communautés numériques.

Élu conseiller municipal en novembre 2017, je suis maintenant adjoint au maire pour le volet Entrepreneuriat et probablement le plus « Geek » de tous les conseillers municipaux. Je demeure très impliqué dans les orientations et le développement du numérique sur le territoire.

I have worked for almost 15 years in event management and have always been passionate about everything that makes the city of Quebec shine. Between 2014 and 2017, I was General Manager and Context Creator for Québec Numérique, during which time we established key contact with digital communities in Nantes, Angers, Bordeaux, Rennes and Toulouse.

Elected as a councillor in November 2017, I am now deputy mayor for Entrepreneurship division and probably the nerdiest councillor ever. I remain heavily involved in the direction and development for digital in the territory.


City Councilor / Deputy Mayor @ Quebec city

I have worked for almost 15 years in event management and have always been passionate about everything that makes the city of Quebec shine. Between 2014 and 2017, I was General Manager and Context Creator for Québec Numérique, during which time we established key contact with digital communities in Nantes, Angers, Bordeaux, Rennes and Toulouse.

Elected as a councillor in November 2017, I am now deputy mayor for Entrepreneurship division and probably the nerdiest councillor ever. I remain heavily involved in the direction and development for digital in the territory.

I have worked for almost 15 years in event management and have always been passionate about everything that makes the city of Quebec shine. Between 2014 and 2017, I was General Manager and Context Creator for Québec Numérique, during which time we established key contact with digital communities in Nantes, Angers, Bordeaux, Rennes and Toulouse.

Elected as a councillor in November 2017, I am now deputy mayor for Entrepreneurship division and probably the nerdiest councillor ever. I remain heavily involved in the direction and development for digital in the territory.